Machine folding — Машинная фальцовка … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Folding@home — Original author(s) Vijay Pande Developer(s) Stanford University / Pande lab Initial release 2000 10 01 … Wikipedia
Folding@home — Développeur Université Stanford Première version … Wikipédia en Français
Folding@Home — est un projet de calcul réparti. Son but est d étudier le repliement de protéine dans diverses configurations de température et de pression afin de mieux comprendre ce processus et d en tirer des connaissances utiles qui pourraient, entre autres … Wikipédia en Français
Folding at home — Folding@Home Folding@Home est un projet de calcul réparti. Son but est d étudier le repliement de protéine dans diverses configurations de température et de pression afin de mieux comprendre ce processus et d en tirer des connaissances utiles qui … Wikipédia en Français
Folding machine — A folding machine is a machine used for folding, usually of paper.A fold (in paper) can be made by a Buckle or a Knife.There are generally three types of folding machines. Buckle Folders, Knife Folders or a Combination of these two types. Buckle… … Wikipedia
Folding bicycle — [ thumb|A Brompton Bicycle, a type of folding bicycle] A folding bicycle or folder is a type of bicycle that incorporates hinges or joints in the frame and handlebar stem that permit it to be broken down into a more compact size. As well, most… … Wikipedia
Folding carton — The folding carton created the packaging industry as it is known today, beginning in the late 19th century. Basically, a folding carton is made of paperboard, and is cut, folded, laminated and printed for transport to manufacturers. The cartons… … Wikipedia
folding-machine — foldˈing machine noun A mechanism that automatically folds printed sheets • • • Main Entry: ↑fold … Useful english dictionary
M249 light machine gun — Machine Gun, 5.56 mm, M249 M249 Para Type Squad automatic weapon/Light machine gun Place of … Wikipedia
Mk 4/Mk 40 Folding-Fin Aerial Rocket — For earlier rockets with the same acronym, see 3.5 Inch Forward Firing Aircraft Rocket and 5 Inch Forward Firing Aircraft Rocket. Mk 4 mod 10 rocket on display at Volkel Air Base. The Mk 4 Folding Fin Aerial Rocket (FFAR), sometimes called the… … Wikipedia